Daily Photo: 20-29th January

Today marks my one year anniversary with WordPress (awww). In honour of this most special occasion, here is a round-up of my activities, adventures, reading, and eating over the last week or so (via my 365 day photo challenge!)
The Meadows being all bonnie (read: pretty) on my walk home from university. This photo makes me realise what a lucky duck I am to live in such a beautiful city. I am so thankful.
A book delivery for my American Lit. course (which I am loving by the way). Here we have:
Nabokov, Lolita
Faulkner, As I Lay Dying
Ellison, Invisible Man
Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God
A restorative cup of Lady Grey tea (nectar of the gods) and giant chocolate buttons – sometimes you've just got to treat yourself.
Super-healthy-and-really-really-good-for-you juicing with my two favourite ladies in the whole wide world. Perfect.
A bit of a cheat, but I was really feeling this quote. I'm trying to keep these words in mind during this semester, it's my last one at university and I want to make sure I enjoy the next few months to the full, even if I am working flat out too!
The best day ever. WEDDING DRESS SHOPPING! My gorgeous cousin is all grown up and getting married – queue lots of cupcakes, oodles of champagne and many, many gorgeous dresses. What's not to love. Although, I may be bias, I am Chief Bridesmaid after all *feels important* (and yes, I did just capitalise my title…)
Happy Australia Day, folks!
My heaving, groaning, long-suffering bookshelf which is currently stuffed to the brim with books and miscellaneous junk…and my gorgeous camera (with which I am still very much in love.) You can just about see my Tudors DVD boxset peeking out – I love this series and highly recommend it to you all.
A very soggy Old College the other morning with it's new Terraccotta Warrior lantern friends. More information here for those interested.

And last but by no means least, a gigantic sausage sandwich which I scoffed for lunch yesterday. Basically still full-up but ohmygosh was it delicious.

Hope you're all having a good week. Remember, you can keep track of my photo progress via Instagram (username: gwizz92)

Speak soon, G x


The Author Discovers Widgets

I would still count myself as ‘new’ to WordPress. This has many disadvantages – for example, I’m only now learning how to properly categorize posts, set feature images, etc. but there is also a plus side (isn’t there always? Oh life and your silver linings) in that I get to make new and exciting discoveries basically all the time. Take today, I decided to give the blog a bit of an overhaul (check out the new header – ah, Edinburgh, you beauty) and in the processes discovered widgets! So now, you can follow me, my life and all my adventures on Instagram! Oh you lucky, lucky devils. And, should you fancy it, you can also check out my “To Read” shelf on GoodReads – the shelf which keeps on growing and growing and growing…! As always, recommendations are encouraged, there is always time for more books. Always.
Anyway, let me know what you think of the new look (or not, suit yourself!) I always love to hear what you think. G x

PS. So this post isn’t purely me rambling on, I give you my current iPhone wallpaper (sorry the image is so tiny!) I hope it makes you giggle like I do every time I see it. Oh, Darcy, Darcy, Darcy… 20131116-090947-am.jpg